ДЛ "МУЗ" №33 ВЛР

MORRIS, ROB (1818-1888)


That NAME ! I learned it at a mother's knee,

When, looking up, the fond and tearful face

Beaming upon my eyes so tenderly,

She prayed that God her little son would bless!

That NAME ! I spoke it when I entered here,

And bowed the knee, as each Freemason must;

From my heart's center with sincerity,

I said, “In God , in God is all my trust!”

That NAME ! I saw it o'er the Master's chair,

“The Hieroglyphic bright,” and, bending low,

Paid solemn homage at the emblem there,

That speaks of God , before whom all must bow!

That NAME ! in silence I invoked its power

When dangers thickened and when death was nigh!

In solemn awe I felt the death clouds lower,

And whispered, “God be with me if I die!”

That NAME ! the last upon my faltering tongue,

Ere death shall still it, it shall surely be;

The PASSWORD to the high celestial throng,

Whose Lord is God in truth and majesty!

That NAME then, Brothers, always gently speak,

Before your father's, mother's name revered!

Such blessings from His gracious hand we take,

O be His honor to our souls endeared!